What to expect
Your consultation will start with an interview and physical examination. This may be followed by diagnostic tests such as blood tests, X-rays, or other tests.
Your treatment may involve medical advice, medications, casts, splints, injections and physical therapies. Surgery may be recommended. For most orthopaedic diseases and injuries there is usually more than one form of possible treatment. Treatment options will be discussed – it is always your decision as to whether you wish to proceed with one form of treatment or another.
No two consultations are exactly alike. The length of your consultation will depend on the complexity of your condition and whether further investigations or hospital admission will need to be arranged. Your time is valuable and we make every effort to run on time. As you can imagine, emergencies occur which may cause delays beyond our control. Also patients ahead of you may have conditions which require an unexpectedly long time to sort out. We apologise in advance if we keep you waiting.
What to wear
Please dress so that the body part you are having trouble with can be easily examined and/or X-rayed.
If you are attending for a knee or hip complaint for example please wear or bring shorts to your appointment.
If you are having shoulder or elbow problems, please wear a singlet or a top that has few buttons. Ladies, please ensure that underclothing is worn to allow the shoulder to be examined with the outer garments removed.
What to bring
When you come for your appointment, please remember to bring the following:
- Your Medicare or Veteran Affairs card.
- A referral letter from your GP, family physician or other doctor.
- Copies of operation records, medical records, X-rays, MRI’s, CT scans, bone scans, ultrasounds and so on from prior doctors visits that relate to your problem area (even if you have been told that they are normal). Please bring the actual x-ray films – rot just the printed reports.
- If you have had surgery elsewhere, please bring a copy of your operation report.
- A list of all medications that you are currently taking and their doses.
- A list of any known drug allergies and the symptoms you may have from taking these medicines.
- Any medical information or reasons for admission to hospital.
- Your health insurance information.
- Your claim number if it is a workers compensation injury.
Please arrive 5-10 minutes early for your appointment to supply your personal details. If you are late, it may not be possible for you to be seen that day in order to avoid inconveniencing other patients.
If not all of the relevant information is available at the time of your appointment, this may cause a delay in your treatment. In addition, it may be necessary to repeat a study or x-ray to complete your evaluation.
You may also arrange to have the records sent to us prior to your appointment (please arrange this with one of our staff).
Please telephone the office during business hours if possible. After hours there is an answering machine for you to leave a message. Please cancel as far ahead as possible so that your appointment time can be allocated to another patient who is seeking treatment.
Consultation Fees
You will be advised of the consultation fee at the time you book your appointment. There will be a portion of your consultation fee which will not be covered by Medicare or your health fund. Payment is required at the time of your consultation.

Meet Dr. Philip Allen
Book an appointment
Please call (07) 5536 1177 to book an appointment or use the online booking form.